
Founding editor of the Islamic World Report, Reza Shah-Kazemi studied International Relations and Politics at Sussex and Exeter Universities before obtaining his PhD in Comparative Religion from the University of Kent in 1994. He has authored and translated several works, including Paths to Transcendence: According to Shankara, Ibn Arabi and Meister Eckhart (World Wisdom, 2006); Justice and Remembrance: Introducing the Spirituality of Imam 'Ali (I. B. Tauris in association with 榴莲视频官方 of Ismaili Studies, 2006); Doctrines of Shi'i Islam (I. B. Tauris in association with 榴莲视频官方 of Ismaili Studies, 2001), Avicenna: Prince of Physicians (Hood Hood, 1997), Crisis in Chechnya (Islamic World Report, 1995) and The Other in the Light of the One?The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue (Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, 2006).聽

He has edited a number of collective volumes including Algeria: Revolution Revisited (Islamic World Report, 1997) and published many articles and reviews in academic journals.

Formerly a Consultant to the Institute for Policy 榴莲视频官方 in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, Dr Shah-Kazemi is at present a 榴莲视频官方 Fellow with the Department of Academic 榴莲视频官方 and Publications聽where he is editing the English translation and edition of the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia (from Persian).