The Muhammad Ali Hamdani Collection in ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ¹Ù·½ of Ismaili Studies Special Collections represents a large segment of the Hamdani family’s library collected over seven generations of this eminent family of scholars from the Da’udi BohraÌýcommunity in India and Yemen. A large part of the manuscripts are Ismaili religious writings, but there are also a good number of books of general Islamic as well as secular content, and these give a rare insight into the whole cultural range of a learned family of Indian religious scholars.


Munirat al-Basaʾir al-Sultan al-Khattab

Al-Khattab b. al-Hasan b. Abi’l-Hufaz al-Hajuri al-Hamdani, a chieftain in north-western Yemen, produced this work in the formative period of the Tayyibi »å²¹Ê¿·É²¹. Copied in 1598, this particular manuscript is the oldest recorded codex of al-Khattab’s work. The codex addresses ten questions put forward to the author.


Diwan Muhammadi Muhammad Ali al-Hamdani


Kitab Taqwim al-Ahkam al-Shar'iyya

This 16th century codex, which refers to al-OadiÌýal-NuÊ¿man, is a succinct compilation of legal judgements.ÌýIt is possibly composed in Fatimid Egypt or in Sulayhid or post-Sulayhid Yemen.


Da'a'im al-Islam


Three Greek Treatises on Spherical Geometry and Optics


Kitab al-Riyad by Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani


A folio from Kitab al-Riyad by Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani