
  • 26 May 2022
  • Aga Khan Centre
  • Book launch

Book launch: “Patterns of Wisdom in Safavid Iran”

An image of a ceiling from an architectural building with sections of blue shaded tiles and golden border around them

Join us for this special event celebrating the scholarship and academic achievements of our late esteemed colleague Dr Janis Esots, and also marking the launch of his recent publication, Patterns of Wisdom in Safavid Iran: The Philosophical School of Isfahan and the Gnostic of Shiraz (London, 2021).

We are delighted to have Professor Sajjad Rizvi (University of Exeter, UK) and Dr Mathieu Terrier (CNRS, France) participate in what promises to be an engaging and lively discussion of this book, moderated by Dr Fârès Gillon (IIS).

We will also have the opportunity to hear international colleagues and friends of Dr Esots sharing with us tributes to his generous friendship and wide knowledge.

Light refreshments will be available following the event. Please speak to staff if you have dietary requirements.

Date: Thursday 26th May 2022

Time: 6.00pm – 7.15pm (British Summer Time)

Location: Aga Khan Centre and webcast live (Zoom)

Moderator: Dr Fârès Gillon (Ƶٷ Associate, IIS)

Speakers: Dr Gurdofarid Miskinzoda (Head of Shi’i Studies Unit, IIS), Dr Maria De Cillis (Senior Ƶٷ Associate and Editor of Shi’i Heritage Series, IIS), Wendy Robinson (Editorial Project Co-ordinator, IIS).

Panellists: Professor Sajjad Rizvi (Professor of Islamic Intellectual History and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter), Professor Mathieu Terrier (Ƶٷ Fellow, CNRS, Paris).

Q&A: As time allows, audience members present in-person and joining online (using the Q&A option at the bottom of the Zoom control panel) can pose questions to the speakers during the Q&A session at the end.

Recording: Please note that the session will be recorded and published on the IIS website, and on the IIS YouTube channel.

Watch the event